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Career at BioWanze

Join the Team!

Our culture

Sustainability and innovation are close to your heart?

Then work with our international team on sustainable products and reducing CO2 emissions.

We value a pleasant, respectful working atmosphere, appreciation, diversity and work-life balance.

What we offer

Dieses Icon verdeutlicht eine Personalhierarchie.

Flat hierarchies working in cooperation, with feedback discussions

Das Icon verdeutlicht eine statistische Präsentation.

Continuing education and training

Das Icon zeigt eine vereinfacht dargestellte Armbanduhr.

Flexible working hours & teleworking

Dieses Icon symbolisiert einen Personalwesen-Workflow.

Internal and international career opportunities

Dieses Icon symbolisiert einen Geschäftsabschluss-Handschlag.

Südzucker Group’s social benefits

Das Icon symbolisiert einen Konversations-Chat.

A job in a technologic and future oriented factory

A job in a virtuous ecosystem valorizing local agricultural resources

A sustainable commitment into high value production

Current vacancies

Here you will find our currently advertised positions.

Clicking on the appropriate job offer will take you directly to the entry of your data and you can upload your documents. Please apply exclusively via our career portal!

Check also the vacancies of SĂĽdzucker Group!

If none of the positions meet your requirements or if you are looking for an internship, we look forward to receiving your unsolicited application.

Contact person for questions

DĂ©partement ressources humaines
Phone: +32 85 410 511