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Management board

Executive board and supervisory board of BioWanze SA


Guy Paternoster, CEO

Born 1957, Raffinerie Tirlemontoise / Director Biowanze

Guy Paternoster, born in Mons (Belgium), studied agricultural engineering, graduating from the Gembloux Agronomics Faculty in 1981.

After starting out as an agricultural products consultant for Lebrun fertilizers, in 1985 Guy Paternoster joined the team at the Raffinerie Tirlemontoise (member of the SĂĽdzucker group) as an agronomist.

A long and brilliant career in the SĂĽdzucker group

From 1992 to 1999, he held the position of Head of the Agronomics Department at the Raffinerie Tirlemontoise.
From 1999 to 2003, he was Plant Manager of the Brugelette factory.
Between 2004 and 2008, he was involved in the construction of the Beneo Orafti Chili plant as Project Manager, Raw Materials.
In 2006, Guy Paternoster was appointed Member of the Executive Board and Director of Raw Materials and Production at the Raffinerie Tirlemontoise.

He has been CEO of the Raffinerie Tirlemontoise since March 2019 and also holds other related directorships in several Südzucker group subsidiaries, in particular Biowanze. He has been President of Wagralim (agri-food competitiveness cluster) since June 2019, a position he also holds at the Institut Royal Belge pour l’Amélioration de la Betterave (IRBAB - Belgian Royal Institute for the Improvement of Beet). In addition, he sits on the board of the Union Wallonne des Entreprises (UWE - Walloon Business Union).

At the same time, Guy Paternoster is a farmer at the heart of his native region. He is a pragmatic man of the land, anchored in the farming world and passionate about economy. His priorities in the various positions he holds are to create added value, stimulate the sharing of know-how and increase sustainability in the group’s companies.

Do you have any questions or comments? Contact

BioWanze SA
Phone: +32 (85) 410 511
Fax: +32 (85) 410 650

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BioWanze SA
Rue LĂ©on Charlier, 11
4520 Wanze